I see this error about “mismatched entity” in an admin status report screen frequently enough that I need to jot it down for future reference.

The most recent one was for the “Computed Field” module (after upgrading several modules for D10 compatibility). I assume there was a change in the latest version of the module.

The specific error message was “Mismatched entity and/or field definitions… The Computed Field entity type needs to be installed.”

Mismatched entity error

Getting the entity name from Drush REPL (drush php):

> \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager()->getChangeList();
= [
    "computed_field" => [
      "entity_type" => 1,

I found a discussion about the deprecated drush command as well as a helper module. However, the answer I wanted was on d.o. Here is the resulting update hook:


 * Fix mismatched entity error for Computed Field.
function mymodule_update_9501() {
  $entity_name = "computed_field";

  $changeList = \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager()->getChangeList();

  if (!array_key_exists($entity_name, $changeList)) {
    return "Skipped. The new config entity type $entity_name is already installed.";

  try {
    $EntityTypeDefinition = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')->getDefinition($entity_name);
  catch (\Exception $exception) {
    throw new UpdateException($exception->getMessage());