SSH, Rsync, and GitHub over 443
This is a topic I keep searching for every so often, thanks to proxy server misconfigurations. If one needs to push to git or rsync files over a port other than 22, it is possible to do so with a couple of commands.
SSH over 443
We can temporarily set a cloud server to serve SSH over 443. This would allow us to SSH or Rsync over that port.
# Edit sshd config to use port 443 (replace `Port 22` with `Port 443`)
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
#Port 22
Port 443
# Stop apache since it listens on 443
sudo systemctl stop httpd.service
# Restart sshd
sudo systemctl restart sshd
Now SSH into that server from your local machine:
ssh -p 443
Once you’re done, revert the settings:
- replace
Port 443
withPort 22
sudo systemctl restart sshd
sudo systemctl start httpd.service
Rsync over SSH
Once you’ve setup your SSH server to serve over 443, you can rsync with the following command:
rsync -v -e "ssh -p443" file.txt
GitHub over SSH
GitHub has a brief write up on how to push/pull over port 443.
# Test if you're able to SSH over 443 (you will get "Hi ...!", if successful)
ssh -T -p 443
# If successful, add the follwoing to ~/.ssh/config
Port 443
# Test if new settings work
ssh -T